Frequently Asked Questions

  • The state of Florida is considered a "No Fault" state. This means that your own car insurance will cover your medical bills for car accident related injuries. This is known as Personal Injury Protection (PIP). Typically most policies cover up to $10,000, but policies may vary. In order to for your insurance company to cover the medical costs, the patient must seek medical attention within 14 days of the accident.

  • Our medical model is a collaborative approach tailored towards the patient's specific needs. Our team consists of neurologists, physician associates, chiropractors/physical therapists, and medical massage therapists. We also provide in-house diagnostic testing, such as nerve studies, EEG, and VNG.

  • It is always advisable to seek medical attention as soon as possible after your injuries. If you wish for your vehicle insurance to compensate for your medical treatment and testing, please see a medical provider within 14 days of the accident. Please present to the nearest hospital emergency department right away if you are experiencing any life threatening symptoms, such as but not limited to: severe headache, vomiting, one-sided weakness, slurred speech, confusion, severe spinal pain, or any other severe symptoms.

  • Depending on the severity of the injuries, you may be advised to be evaluated by other specialists. In those instances, our team will ensure proper scheduling with a facility of your choosing or our recommended affiliates. We will continue to communicate directly with the other facilities and we will continue to monitor you until all your continuity of care is ensured.

  • Our team will bill your insurance directly to minimize any burden to the patient. If you are represented by an attorney, we will also communicate directly with your attorney's office.